T66 Armored Car with 37mm gun
3D printed model for wargamers wanting to expand their armies, it can also be used to build dioramas.
3D printed model for wargamers wanting to expand their armies, it can also be used to build dioramas.
3D printed model for wargamers wanting to expand their armies, it can also be used to build dioramas.
The model consists of several individual parts. The kit will be sent including support material. This ensures better stability during transport. Before assembly, the model must be freed from the support material and then glued.
Warning: Not suitable for children under 14 years. Suffocation hazard!
All copyrights and trademarks of the character images used belong to their respective owners and are not being sold. This item is not a licensed product and I do not claim ownership of the characters and logos used in my designs. Please note that you are only paying for my time to make this product for you in my imagination.
3D printed model for wargamers wanting to expand their armies, it can also be used to build dioramas.
3D printed model for wargamers wanting to expand their armies, it can also be used to build dioramas.
3D printed model for wargamers wanting to expand their armies, it can also be used to build dioramas.
3D printed model for wargamers wanting to expand their armies, it can also be used to build dioramas.
3D printed model for wargamers wanting to expand their armies, it can also be used to build dioramas.
Der Vezdekhod war ein früher russischer Panzerprototyp, der 1915 entwickelt wurde und als eines der ersten Kettenfahrzeuge in der Militärgeschichte gilt. Das Konzept wurde von Zar Nikolaus II. in Auftrag gegeben und sollte ein gepanzertes, geländegängiges Fahrzeug für den Kriegseinsatz schaffen. Aufgrund technischer Herausforderungen und unzureichender L
3D printed model for wargamers wanting to expand their armies, it can also be used to build dioramas.
Der ZIS-42 ist ein sowjetisches Halbkettenfahrzeug, das im Zweiten Weltkrieg für vielfältige Zwecke wie den Transport von Truppen, Versorgungsgütern oder Waffen eingesetzt wurde. Mit seiner robusten Bauweise und der Fähigkeit, auch in schwierigem Gelände zu operieren, war der ZIS-42 ein unverzichtbares Fahrzeug der Roten Armee.
3D printed model for wargamers wanting to expand their armies, it can also be used to build dioramas.